Saturday, May 10, 2014

Common Core Implementation Gap Analsis

was selected by SBAC to develop a Digital Library of formative assessment practices and professional learning resources for educators.   They also provide a free survey called the:

Common Core Implementation Gap Analysis

This survey is made up of eight categories: 
  1. implementation
  2. leadership
  3. budget
  4. communication
  5. instruction
  6. college and career readiness curriculum
  7. assessment/data and technology
  8. professional learning
You may complete and receive feedback on any or all categories. The full survey takes about 30 minutes to complete, and you can save your progress at any time.
After you submit your survey, you’ll receive a custom Action Plan indicating your district’s stage of progress for each category, a description of each stage, and a list of actions you can take for a successful implementation of the new standards.

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